• 12 - 18month, depending on conditions.

  • Naturally Breaksdown

  • 15cm x 15cm wide

  • Natural color, blends into environment

  • Made in NZ

  • Two heights available (30cm or 45cm)

  • White inside, refelects light down to the plant

  • Anchors with 2 bamboo stakes

  • Supplied in bundle with guard, mat and bamboo stakes

  • Minimum order of 50

  • Fast installation

These guards are designed by our team (Riverside Horticulture) and are used in 100’s of project around New Zealand. They are designed by people who use them, with practicallity, effeciency and environmentally sustainable at the forefront.

If you are looking at purchase several thousand at a time, please get in touch as we can negotiate print design, pricing and holding and delivery. BULK ORDERS OVER 10,000 CONTACT ANDREW DARTNALL PHONE OR EMAIL